Friday 4 December 2009

We shall be walking with this tomorrow but I amthinking about the guys at Corus in Teeside today who lose their Jobs shortly

Saturday 28 November 2009

bill boards ordered 4 the walk

with only a week to go the boards are ordered. 2 denominations & 3 churches are sponsering so far

Thursday 5 November 2009
really says it all doesn't it

Wednesday 4 November 2009

Whilst I have added the new page for U.S enquiries it was also pointed out to me that UCB Prayer Line (UK local rate call) Telephone 0845-456 7729 exists..Praise the Lord

Wednesday 28 October 2009


why does it take 6 mnths 4 the youth 2 receive help?

Tuesday 27 October 2009

CJSS re developing

The sponsored walk page is up.

Wednesday 14 October 2009

This is the poem that inspired me

Yes this is the poem that inspired the leaflet design

CJSS re developing

This is what I believe to be the future.
With a sponsored prayer walk on the 5th December 2009
What will the future hold? who knows
isn't good news

Sunday 20 September 2009


I have revamped
having added Flash to the web hopefully it makes it more user friendly

Wednesday 19 August 2009

Malware can be a big issue

Not only have I been part of the search for many a position but this has been an interest as well

The collection

Malware-beatingthe virus,trojansand worms

check out my latest video on beating the Trojans worms and viruses for FREE

Wednesday 12 August 2009

not good news today the figures look lessthan promising.butIam sure the bankers will be protected


Following my operationI have added some new videos on Youtube

web site development playlist

Monday 15 June 2009

The Yellow Pages

The yellow pages is still going strong in the U.K and generates leads. The Best Part is it's free to place your number on it. The economy is still showing positive signs due to the level of use that I have seen of this service. Including the number of calls to businesses using mobiles

Tuesday 14 April 2009

Careers advice looks brilliant

I am really impressed with the new career advice pages as well as the forum. If you are looking at advice then this isd worth checking out

Careers advice looks brilliant

I am really impressed with the new career advice pages as well as the forum. If you are looking at advice then this isd worth checking out

Sunday 12 April 2009

Diploma in Career Coaching

This caught my eye today and looks very appealing. However, i suspect it might be worth checking out the college as well as the value of the diploma. I have the experience

Sunday 5 April 2009

received the sign and 1st call

Its been an interesting week i have now got the signs that I intend to advertise with and also received the first call from some one looking for help. This is interesting and exciting

Tuesday 31 March 2009

Setting the Jobsearch 4u tk

Well I have updated the pages steadily recently and now have the first billboard top start advertising.
The Boards will hopefully attract interest and therefore develop the interest in the site

Saturday 7 March 2009

the stadium employment in the mail

It's amazing that there has to be a twist on the angle of local people being employed.
Why can't the locals be offered the positions. If the door is closed to them and only open to the eastern europeans surely we should see a run of MP's coming east europeans. No I doubt it as well

Wednesday 4 March 2009

had fun today trying to work out why the laptop that a local has will not connect with either wan or wifi. suspect that the Mac has the problem tried out 127.0.o.1 as the loop withouit great success..such fun

Sunday 22 February 2009

A day of thought

Next week I give my testimony at Burton rd methodist

Friday 20 February 2009

I have the lovely trip to Essex tomorrow though I ampleased the landlineon the mobile is working well

here we go

WellI suppose it was time i joined the revolution